The Commander Dictator Fascist In-Chief by Victor Henry

“We’re talking about a person who believes that POWs aren’t real heroes, and that he’s made sacrifices akin to Gold Star families who lost their loved ones in war.

Jon Soltz, Iraq War veteran


President Orange Julius,
signing a series of Executive Orders
in his first few weeks,
the authoritarian authority,
now an authority on PTSD,
in language similar to his tweets,
suggests veterans who commit suicide
can’t handle the stress of war.
Intimates to a group of
Retired American Warriors PAC
they are strong and can handle it
but a lot of people can’t handle it,
never mentioning his four student deferments
and a medical deferment,
deferments that helped him dodge Vietnam.
Because he doesn’t read
he’s never read the section on PTSD
in the DSM-5, never looked at
Criterions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H,
unaware an estimated 22 veterans
kill themselves every day.
He’s told his worshipers, white evangelicals,
believing he will make America great again,
“I went to the Wharton School of Business;
I’m, like, a really smart person.”
Then implements a federal hiring freeze,
a move that affects thousands of open jobs
at the Department of Veterans Affairs,
jobs that include hundreds of nurses and doctors.
care that provides veterans with death, disability,
and education benefits, jobs that are sorely needed,
as he and his fiendish and sadistic generals
gin up for another war, possibly with China,
culminating in the indisputable indignant insult
to our nation’s veterans.


Victor Henry is a member of Veterans for Peace. Currently, he is a Reference Librarian at Monterey Public Library in Monterey, California.
His poetry and prose poems have appeared in small press magazines, anthologies, and e-zines, such as Slipstream;The Paterson Literary Review; Nobody Gets Off The Bus: The Viet Nam Generation Big Book; Vietnam War Poetry; The Homestead Review; Red River Review; Dead Snakes, Misfitmagazine, and In Between Hangovers, among others. Here is his Web site:

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